notepad plus plus regex replace
Notepad++ is great free text editor.
You can download it at
It have regex replace option.
So how it work ?
Here is example.
lets say we have text:
Go to Search - Replace.
And to it like that
Search for: Alice([0-9]+) have cat([0-9]+)
Replace with: a\1 have c\2
And be sure that you have checked Search Mode - Regural expression.
Press Replace All
And we have:
You can download it at
It have regex replace option.
So how it work ?
Here is example.
lets say we have text:
akljdjfalkjdf Alice1 have cat2. jakdhfkljakljdf Alice2 have cat3. Alice5 have cat8. akljdflkja Alice123 have cat7.Now lets make some advenced search and replace.
Go to Search - Replace.
And to it like that
Search for: Alice([0-9]+) have cat([0-9]+)
Replace with: a\1 have c\2
And be sure that you have checked Search Mode - Regural expression.
Press Replace All
And we have:
akljdjfalkjdf a1 have c2. jakdhfkljakljdf a2 have c3. a5 have c8. akljdflkja a123 have c7.I hope it will be hopeful for you.